Our community development focus
One of our strategic community development objective is to support Council’s social development plan. In meeting the plan the centre provides a range of services and programs for people of all ages of community group in the areas of health and wellbeing, social, educational, recreational programs, information and referrals in a welcoming and supportive environment to inform how Council responds to the needs of the community related to equitable access effective & efficient use of resources, sustainable community involvement, respect for diversity, collaboration and partnership development by creating a sense of belonging in the community.
Step -1 understand the community.
Knowing the community entails understanding it in a number of perspectives. To truly understand the specific community, you’re with. You have to get to know its people…. Their culture, their concerns, and relationships----- and to develop your own relationship as well. For example, a Chinse woman may become an intensively involved member of the ethnic and cultural community of her Sudanese husband. Whichever community defines your work, you will want to get to know it well.
Step -2 Know the physical characteristics:
- Get a map of the community and drive and/or workaround.
- Gather information as much as possible.
- Describe the characteristics of
Taking the time and effort to understand your community well before embarking on a community effort will pay off in the long term. A good way to accomplish that is to create a community description:
- A record of your exploration and findings it is good to gain a comprehensive overview of the community….
- What is now, what it’s been in the past, and what it could be in the future?
Through these information (i.e. via surveys, interviews and key community informants) To address these needs specific programs or services may therefore need to be provided for certain target groups for specific social issues or unique circumstances in relevant geographic locations. In this regard Centre programs & services provided to the community in line with council’s social planning priority areas as briefly summarized below.
Step - 3
Working in partnership with various community groups with a belief no matter how strong individually we are it is much worth working in collaboration with others sharing experiences and skills in many ways with this notion we provide auspice support to different community groups that can promote community service delivery at large as each group individually or severally has different but useful approaches that we as individual we can't do everything.
Step - 4
Provide support to those who have talents, interest and skills individually and severally in a group but who cannot run or implement a community development project by their own and we help them being a guarantor.
Auspicing a community group
As part of our community service delivery, we support various community groups either individually or as a group to accomplish their aimed community service projects. In this regard Walker Close is providing such services to community groups which has been beneficial to the community in many ways.
Auspice means to provide support, sponsorship or guidance run through Auspice Agreement with the group being known as the "auspice" and the incorporated organisation being known as the 'auspicor". When using an Auspice Agreement, the relationship can be described as one where the Group will be carrying out the project under the auspices of the incorporated organisation (or Auspicing body). Three things to consider:
- Auspicing:-is an arrangement where one organisation agrees to receive project funds on behalf of another group running the project.
- Grant funding:- Seeking funding is an ongoing challenge for many non-for-profits. It's important not to forget the legal aspects of seeking funding, especially when entering into funding agreement.
- Mememorandun of Understaning:- Using a memorandum of understanding is a less way for two organisatioins to work together.
The resoan auspicing has evolved is because an unincorporated group may find it difficult to obtain funding such as grants, as fudnign boidies generally prefer to deal with an incorporated legal entity rather than a group or individuals.
- It is to provide support, sponsorship and guidance.
- the group enquired auspicing is to be non-incorporated.
- it is like a subcontracting agreement.
- auscipicing arrangement is a legally binding contract.
- it sets the legal obligations of both parties.
- Grant funding often requires that a recipient is incorporated.
What type of projects supported?
- One-off projects such as exhibition, concerts;
- pilots projects or programs;
- to start-up groups, local play groups, youth groups, program competitions etc..
- Professional support and advice.
- Manage the finances and keep track of the balance.
- Assist on the progress of project.
- Provide Insurance cover.
- Provide grant application advice.
Other considerations
Before entering into contract both parties need to have clear understanding of the project aims and the funding body requirements.
- Clearly define the location and project timeframe.
- Have a clear project definition and its benefits; and
- Complete MoU (memorandum Of Understating) entering in to a more specific and comprehensive contract agreement apart from Auscipicing agreement.
Health & ageing well
Building community connection is vital in this regard, so the centre provides opportunities for people to actively participate in community activities & more effective use of community facilities as meeting & participation points between group of people such as weightlifters group, bone booster group & socialization group which encourages culturally diverse groups to participate in the life of community.
Disability services
The Centre provides flexible support service to people with disabilities to participate in a recreational activity combing physical fitness & exercise with social activities & creating awareness of council services to those who are older & isolate. Encourage them by providing useful information a sense of inclusion & a means of possibility to meet their individual needs depending on their level of ability & interests.
Youth/children services
The centre delivers services that are accessible & responsive to the need of young people & children with the opportunities that acknowledge and are reflective of the diversity. The services vary accordingly to the individuals and their age groups which includes youth drop in services, self-defense training, music & dance such the dance dreamers, Calisthenics dance. The Chin and Cook Islander youth choir variety of opportunities for youth to come together & share their experience & cultures. Encourage and acknowledging young people’s support and positive contributions to the community and local organizations is vital to continuing the running of such programs the for the future generations.
Other social & community skill building services
The Centre provides services to mothers group to participate in their new life skills meeting new friends. Provide further encouragement of cultural/ethnically diverse groups to participate in the life of the community. Ensure the use of facilities & spaces are affordable to the community, maintain clean environment, retain & expand connection of individuals & groups to the community. Encourage, support & undertake events & activities which bring people together including cultural events, recreation & leisure activities.